Thursday 20 October 2011

Wild night

For me, a wild night almost always translates into wearing some sort of animal print (as in "made to resemble the pattern of the skin/fur/feathers of an animal/bird"): leopard, zebra, giraffe, peacock, snakeskin, I love them all!!!
It seems every season designers focus on one of this prints, this fall&winter it's all about snakeskin and guess what? I already have a great shirt and some shorts bought long time ago... yeah, baby, they're back in fashion!

Pentru mine, o noapte salbatica aproape intotdeauna a insemnat sa port un fel de animal print (adica un imprimeu " facut sa semene cu pielea/ blana/ penele unui animal/ unei pasari"): leopard, zebra, girafa, paun, sarpe, le iubesc pe toate!!!!

Se pare ca in fiecare sezon designerii pun accentul pe unul din aceste printuri; in aceasta toamna si iarna este vorba de pielea de şarpe şi ghici ce? Am deja o camasa superba si niste pantaloni scurti cumparati cu  mult timp în urmă ... oh da, sunt din nou la moda!!

(wild pictures included// poze salbatice incluse)

Have I ever told you how obsessed I am about doing my manicure? Well, you probably realised that from my previous 2 posts :)) // V-am spus cat sunt de obsedata sa-mi fac manichiura? Probabil v-ati dat seama din ultimele 2 postari :))


Tuesday 18 October 2011

Forget the cold weather

What better way to forget about this fricking cold weather than look at some summer photos?

Cum altfel sa uiti de frigul asta afurisit de afara decat uitandu-te la pozele din vara? 


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